Banner Ads

A banner can look like text or an image, moving or static. Like other types of advertising, a banner sends a visitor to a specific website and thus increases the popularity of the advertised content.
The secret of the success of display advertising lies in the peculiarities of information perception. First of all, a person pays attention to a bright image. When it contains a text of several words that can be read in a second, the user will read it, even if he was not going to do it.
How Banner Ads Work
Media, or banner advertising, has long become a constant companion for every Internet user. Previously, advertising was presented in a rather primitive and annoying form. At the moment, the approach has changed, which led to the dynamics of the effectiveness of a site popularization.
The main purpose of banner advertising is to increase traffic to the Internet resource. Web banners do not only link to a site, but can also inform about the arrival of goods and new products. Most display ads are interactive, meaning it makes sense to click on the banner. Ads are placed by direct employers. They choose to host sites with high traffic. Websites should have useful and interesting content. In addition, when choosing a site for publishing a banner, you need to take into account the fact that the content of the site and, accordingly, the interests of readers are related to the topic of the banner.
Types of banners
- Standard or graphic. Classic banner is a static picture or an animated image with effects in jpeg, png, gif, swf formats. Such banners are placed in a separate block. The formats and sizes of banners depend on the technical capabilities of the site.
- Rich-media. These are banners with “rich features”. They interact with users through interactive and multimedia content. Previously, flash technology was used to create them. Modern rich media banners use JavaScript and HTML5 technologies. The latter are the most difficult to create, but they look much better and more interesting than other formats.
Banner Ads Formats
- Pop-up and pop-under. Both banners are almost identical. The distinction between them is that the pop-ups appear at the top of a site page so that the content is completely or partly covered by an ad banner, whereas the pop-unders are open in a new browser window. This ad format, although the most popular one, should be used with caution, as search engines may apply sanctions if the ad is too intrusive and cannot be hidden on the first try.
- Screenglide or expandable banners. Banner consists of two panels – the main panel and the expand panel. By clicking or hovering, the banner expands to the left or right
- Top line banners. This banner format is similar to street banners for outdoor advertising. They are located above the main content of the page, and most often, occupy the entire width of the browser window and adjust when resized.
Benefits of banner advertising
The popularity of banner ads can be explained by a number of its advantages. Among them are:
- Growth of brand awareness. It is impossible not to notice the bright image on the page with a brand name, so readers unknowingly put this picture in their heads.
- Large audience. If you choose the correct Internet site for placement, then high traffic from the banner will not keep you waiting long.
- Fast results. Site visitors are already visible in the first minutes of banner advertising publication.
- Display ads are easy to manage. In online mode, you can change ads content and monitor its traffic.
Disadvantages of banner ads
However, in addition to the benefits of banner ads, there are also downsides:
- Placing banner ads has a tangible cost. Media promotion requires an investment.
- Rapid loss of interest in the banner. Ads quickly become boring to users, and updating it takes time and investment.
Where to place banner ads
The maximum effect of banner advertising will be developed if it is placed in the most powerful search engines such as Yandex and Google. Each of them is a media complex, which includes a large number of sites on various topics.
In addition, social networks and mobile apps are used to place banners there, but Yandex and Google will undoubtedly bring great benefits, as well as natural links.