Website Promotion

Website promotion is a set of measures taken to ensure a steady flow of targeted users to the promoted website.
As a rule, this stream is needed for its further monetization by selling goods and services, as well as showing ad units to site visitors.
The main ways to promote your site
- Search engine promotion (SEO)
- Сontextual advertising
- Display advertising
- Targeted advertising on social media
- Email marketing
Search engine promotion
Search engine promotion aims to optimize the final, promoted site so that it takes the highest place in the SERP for certain search queries.
Conditionally, this way of promotion includes external and internal optimization.
External optimization aimed to enlarge the link mass of your site.
In other words, the main goal of off-site optimization is to get as many other good sites as possible to link to your site.
For a search engine, a link to a site is a kind of recommendation, and the more respected and successful site which links to your site is, the better.
Accordingly, the aggregate of a large number of natural links from external sites to our site significantly increases its chances of getting higher results in the search engine.
Internal optimization is aimed at working with the code and content of our site.
The main task of optimization is to maximize the usefulness, that is, the relevance of the portal for both search engines and users.
If a search engine has visited our site and found it useful, interesting, and working correctly, it will be much more willing to place it at the top of the search results, allowing users to visit it first.
With a high level of external and internal optimization, the probability of a site reaching the top for a large number of requests increases significantly and leads to the expected positive result.
Contextual advertising
Contextual advertising consists in demonstration ad units to a narrow target audience that is interested in a product or service at the moment.
It helps to reduce the effort of trying to attract as many people as possible and focus on a small number of targeted users.
Sometimes it happens that your product or service is a hot pie that can cool down very quickly.
In other words, to lose relevance in the next month.
In this case, you do not want to waste time on SEO, you want to sell your hot pies as quickly as possible.
If this is your case, then contextual advertising can really help you with this.
Contextual advertising will be useful if your site is absolutely not ready for search engine optimization and, in general, for a large flow of users.
Display advertising
Display advertising pleases us with bright pictures, banners, teasers.
Acute user’s perception of colorfully presented information allows you to bite off your audience.
Targeted advertising
Targeted advertising on social networks makes it possible to show ad units to certain users of social networks, applying a very strict selection according to a load of parameters: gender, age, location, marital status, profession etc.
Email marketing
Email marketing is a mass mailing of interesting information to users who have given permission to do so.
Not to be confused with spam, which is based on mailing to users who have not asked for it.
A useful newsletter helps to attract a specific audience to your site.
SMM means promoting your website through social networks.
It is believed that it is easier to build a loyal audience on social media than in any other place.
A nice feature of SMM is that, by creating, for example, an advertising post, or by sharing any interesting information with a link to your site, part of the audience will begin to distribute it further without your participation.
Summing up, we can say with confidence that although search engine optimization is not a lightning-fast source of a huge flow of targeted users, it is still a much more promising and profitable direction for website promotion.
By working and constantly improving your site, optimizing it in search engines, you are guaranteed to get an excellent, well-promoted platform that will bring you stable income and a large flow of users.