Website Protocol

The site protocol, also known as the data transfer protocol, is a kind of set of rules that describe the sequence, features of interaction between two or more devices connected to the same network and carrying out communication.
Without such a protocol devices connected to the Internet simply could not agree among themselves: who sends requests and in what order, who processes them, and what this or that error means.
Basic website protocols
There are many different protocols for transferring data, many of them are outdated or simply unpopular.
Others are used for very specific, highly specialized tasks and will be of little use to the average user.
Here is the list of the most common ones: HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol);
- HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure);
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol);
- POP3 (Post Office Protocol);
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
Despite the fact that we have listed several protocols, it should be noted that the most basic ones are HTTP and HTTPS.
These 2 protocols are used for everything that interests the average user: web browsing, interaction with web applications and interactive sites.
In general, everything that appears in your browser window one way or another works precisely thanks to these two data transfer protocols.
How does HTTP work?
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
As we all know, computers operate in the language of ones and zeros, that is, in a binary language.
Therefore, potentially each set of ones and zeros constructs something, it can be a word.
The computer works in many languages pure binary, text and some other formats such as byte codes.
This is where the text is transferred.
The text is interpreted by the browser, and the moment the browser interprets it, it becomes hypertext, and the protocol that transfers the text is called the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP.
Work through this protocol is carried out according to the client-server scheme.
There is a server that, in passive mode, constantly waits for a connection to be established.
Sooner or later, this connection will be established by the client, that is the machine interface of the Internet user.
The client wants to receive something from the server: get a page, open a picture, download a song etc.
In order to communicate what the client exactly wants, the user sends requests that the server handles.
The server is able to process user requests thanks to the instructions provided by the HTTP protocol.
If the request cannot be processed, the server knows what error it should throw.
How Does HTTPS work?
HTTPS is an extended version of HTTP.
The main difference is that now requests from the client are sent not in a “naked” form, but in encrypted form thanks to the SSL and TLS cryptographic mechanisms.
Using this protocol allows you to achieve such a result in which a request from a client can really be read only on the server side, and cannot be intercepted by a third party somewhere in the middle.
This third party can be hackers, Trojan viruses, unscrupulous providers, Secret Service of any country, and so on.
At the moment, the HTTPS protocol is a completely uncompromised method of interaction between devices on the Internet, and can withstand any hacker attack, thereby ensuring the most secure interaction of devices on the network.
HTTP vs. HTTPS: Which Protocol Is Better to Use
The answer to this question is obvious.
The HTTP protocol is obsolete.
When it was created, it was akin to a technical revolution, and its use increased the convenience of user communication with servers to an unusually high level.
But times have changed and now it is vulnerable.
HTTPS protocol is the most secure and invulnerable way of interaction between devices today.
It cannot be hacked, bypassed, compromised.
At the moment most search engines mark sites that still operate over the HTTP protocol as untrustworthy and inform users that they may be at risk on that site.
If you have not yet migrated your site to HTTPS, then you should do it as soon as possible.
So, you will increase the trust from search engines when promoting your site with natural links, you will be able to use a large number of services and make the use of your site safe and convenient.