Crowd Marketing vs. Outreach Marketing: Battle or Synergy

What technique is better, outreach marketing or crowd links? They better exist in synergy than in a battle
Crowd Marketing vs. Outreach Marketing: Battle or Synergy
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    What technique is better, outreach marketing or crowd links? They better exist in synergy than in a battle. They work as left and right hands: outreach adds the anchors to the link profile and increases brand awareness, and crowd marketing dilutes the outreach links in the link profile and makes it safer.

    The methods are complementary, and they both help you build a natural link profile for your brand. Let us dive deep and investigate how we can use outreach and crowd marketing together.

    Outreach Marketing Basics

    What is outreach marketing?

    I consider it a powerful link-building technique. Sometimes I contact online influencers, bloggers, journalists, celebrities, and other public figures to write about my business and link the post to the website. Sometimes, when they are my friends, they do this voluntarily. Sometimes our clients want to thank us for our excellent service. However, mostly you have to reach out and pay for promotion.

    Outreach links help build the link profile, increase brand awareness, move the product up in reviews and catalogs, etc. Outreach links in guest posts strengthen your profile and attract traffic.

    As with every technique, outreach marketing has its pros and cons. Let us review the most obvious.

    Pros of Outreach Links

    Outreach links are usually worth the investment. Having backlinks from a reputable blogger adds more quality and relevance to your website and helps achieve higher SERP rankings.

    Outreach links can be an essential part of a valuable link profile. It is also an impactful way of tapping into a larger audience base than the influencer or blogger already has.

    Popular resources generate organic traffic via outreach links and attract potential leads to the site.

    Cons of Outreach Link

    Finding relevant and impactful influencers in your niche can be an overwhelming process, especially if you are new to this business. Once you find and reach them, convincing them to spread the word about your brand or business can cost money.

    Prominent bloggers often charge a high compensation amount for the process, and small businesses may not be able to afford the same every time. Also, the popular platforms have internal limitations; for example, no more than one no-follow link per article, or limited time the item stays on the site.

    The site owners can place your article in the special section for press releases or contributor pages. Despite the high cost, people rarely visit these pages. Besides, somebody has to write the text for the announcement. If you have no internal resources for writing, the article will cost you extra.

    My recommendation: always proofread and approve the article by the external author before publishing it!

    Outreach vs. Crowd Marketing: What’s the Difference?

    For me, the major difference between crowd marketing and outreach marketing is the name of the talking head. In outreach, you know it, as well as the audience. In crowd marketing, the author stays unknown. Speaking seriously, the place matters.

    Outreach marketing works with personal blogs, websites, and social media accounts mostly trusted and reliable. The reputation of the web resource and popularity is a unique sales proposition in outreach marketing. And outreach works well.

    However, we have and must dilute outreach links with the crowd links. Crowd links are placed on the reviewers, Q&A sites, online communities, and forums. The powerful side of these resources is live and informal communication.

    People value the live experience and trust it even more than a paid article in a popular Instagram account or a sponsored article in a blog. So, instead of focusing on one technique, it is better to combine outreach and crowd marketing.

    Crowd links can enrich the profile with anchors and references, and make it more natural for search engine algorithms.

    Crowd Marketing Essentials Web Resources for Crowd Marketing

    There are several types of popular resources you can comment on:

    • Review sites. As obvious as Amazon Customer Reviews, TrustPilot, Trip Advisor, Glassdoor… You can also use Google Maps and customer reviews there: it works perfectly for local businesses.
    • Social platforms/communities. For example, you can use Facebook groups or even business pages of the relevant theme with an active community. In some regions, you can use Telegram channels and groups. For those who set hopes on LinkedIn groups: forget it. Most of them are dead and full of spam from some dirty SEO activists.
    • Thematic forums. The most effective web resource for crowd marketing. The users on such forums discuss topics related to your business, and the posts on these forums provide not only backlinks but also high-quality leads.
    • Q&A services. Online Questions-and-Answers services are an effective tool for audience capture. Not only does it attract visitors from the target or non-target groups and increase brand awareness, but it is also perfectly indexed and considered a trusted resource by search engines. Not to forget – the most popular services, like Quora, make your links no-follow. However, if your answer is professional, relevant, and well-written, it will stay on the top and remain visible, so it also works.
    • Comments on relevant websites. Some websites allow comments about the goods and services, inviting users to discussion.

    Who Should Create Crowd Links for You?

    Crowd marketing is a piece of work. Who should do those, can you manage it by yourself or hire a professional? Let us consider the available options.

    1. Internal Resource

    You can find a person who can work with crowd marketing in any company – it can be a copywriter, marketing manager, SEO manager, or whoever. Making crowd marketing with internal resources keeps the process under your control and costs nothing except the time. Anyway, it is cheaper than hiring a freelancer. However, don’t be so happy about the saved costs.

    The task is time-consuming. Your employee should do the research, register dozens of accounts, and post many messages to build the reputation before posting the link. Besides, forum moderators will delete some references on the moderated forum.

    You should also be aware of Google sanctions: if your employee uses bots or mass posting software, they can penalize you. At last, you can hardly scale the process.

    Supposedly you do not have the unlimited number of people who can get off the primary responsibilities and start crowding.

    2. Freelancers

    You can find a freelancer – there are hundreds of professionals with a variety of options for the price and for the results. You can get an excellent result or you can spend a fortune and get nothing except the problems. Any option between these two is also possible. So, spend some time and research to find a reliable subcontractor. The risk for hiring a freelancer is medium, as well as the control level.

    Probably, one of the significant benefits is the scalability without the shutdown – you can hire more freelancers anytime. But don’t forget to discuss the terms of cooperation before the start or you will be charged extra for any change you request.

    3. Professional Service Providers

    Professional service is the most costly but most reliable option.

    These people invest in their reputation for years not to disappear from the market, and will not waste your money on an ineffective job. They discuss and approve all details before the start and follow your remarks in the process. Of course, they charge a price for the high-quality service, but you will get the best result if you can afford it.

    Check List For the Vendor Reliability

    • - Can someone you know in person recommend this vendor?
    • - Can a vendor provide some case studies or success stories?
    • - Does a vendor have social media pages, dedicated emails, etc.?
    • - Is a vendor ready to contact you via phone, Skype, or even personally?
    • - Is a vendor ready to provide you with a full report with the indexed links?
    • - Is there a functionality to track the order progress in real-time?
    • - Is there any confidentiality policy in place? Is a vendor ready to stay in touch until the job is done?

    If the answer is Yes for most of these points, a vendor looks trustworthy and you can start cooperation.

    Crowd Links Order Checklist

    This is a bonus for those heroes who read down this far. I know most of you will forget many details as soon as you close this page. So, please have the visual checklist with the most essential points you should check to order the crowd market promotion.

    I hope it helps.

    Crowd links order checklist

    So, crowd marketing is the most complicated technique of link building. The registration on the mail services and web resources, and account building, consumes a lot of time. A link can be removed or archived; it can get the no-follow attribute – which means search engines will ignore it, so it does not work.

    In Natural Links we guarantee the lifetime replacement for deleted links, relevance to the topic, a high percentage of do-follow links, smooth growth, and high-quality texts written by our copywriters.

    These parameters make crowd-marketing cool!

    And this is our main competitive advantage.

    Crowd Marketing vs. Outreach Marketing: Battle or Synergy
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