Search Engine

What is a Search Engine, and how does it work?
A search engine is an interactive and regularly updated tool that helps you with finding needed information on the vast expanses of the Internet by means of keywords and phrases.
We all know such Internet search giants like Google, Yahoo!, Yandex, Bing, etc.
Now it’s hard to imagine what we would do without them.
An average user enters a query into the search bar and gets the list of links which can contain relevant information without thinking about the amazing and complex steps leading up to the final result.
But understanding how the search engines work will facilitate your business growth as it will become visible and therefore accessible to potential customers.
Spiders or crawlers are special programs that visit different web pages, scan headlines, key phrases, and content, collect information, and assign an index to it.
Such indexing helps to classify scanned content so that it matches the user’s search query.
Finally, the last stage of this process is ranking, the goal of which is to provide the user with the highest quality and most relevant result.
The role of search engine optimization (SEO)
If you owe a website, you definitely want it to be attributed to the highest ranking.
This way, the link to your web page will hit the top of the inquiry results, and most likely the first that the user clicks on.
To increase the chances of getting a desirable rank, different companies use search engine optimization (SEO).
It helps to create a website so that search engines could easily scan it.
Moreover, you can make sure that your content is indexed according to the correct key phrases so, as the result, it could show up on relevant searches.
And the highest mission, of course, is to rank your web page highly.
In short, everything is said, but in fact it looks more like a science, which should be given more careful study.
Types of search engines
Roughly speaking, there are two main types of engines: local and global.
Local are responsible for finding information contained in local networks or on the pages of certain resources;
Global aimed at finding data on the Internet.
In turn, they are subdivided into: specialized, responsible for finding information that meets certain requirements; universal, providing users with access to all types of content.
We are talking about such giants of Internet search as Google, Yandex, Bing, etc thematic, searching for information that is interesting only to a narrow circle of users.
Most Popular Search Engines
Google is indisputably the most popular SE in the world. It is the world leader in internet search;
Yandex – a Russian rapidly developing project and the leader in Runet;
Bing – a relatively new project from Microsoft;
Yahoo! is the second most popular search engine in the world.
In general, each search engine is unique as it uses completely different mathematical formulas to generate search results.
Thus, what ranked # 1 on Google will not be the same on Yahoo! and vice versa.
Their algorithms are kept secret and constantly being improved in order to provide users with the most accurate results according to the search query.